Parking and Accessibility
Transit: The park is a 10-15 minute walk from the #59 bus, that runs between Needham and Watertown Square. For New Cold Spring Park, exit at Four Corners on Walnut Street at Beacon Street, and walk west along Beacon Street. For Old Cold Spring Park, exit at Duncklee Street, and walk to the end of Duncklee.
Parking: The Beacon Street parking lot, across from the Cemetary, provides most of the parking for Cold Spring Park, and should be used for all playing fields and courts.
Parking is also allowed on Plymouth Road, at the southern edge of the park, for access to the off-leash dog park.

Accessibility: The parking lot, and exercise station at the rear of the lot, is accessible. There are accessible ADA-compliant exercise options at this station.
The perimeter and interior trails, and Old Cold Spring Park, are not accessible, though we are doing our best to help make it easier to access and navigate for people of all ages.