Our History

Petition to fix the trail

Map of petition signers
Where do park users live? All over Newton.
Petitioner addresses (about ¼ of the total)

Fact sheet: Why fixing the trail is a priority.

Fact sheet outlining problems with the trail, and why they need to be fixed.

June 3 Kickoff Event Flyer. Posted, distributed to abutters and park users.

Alan’s Kickoff Event presentation. More than 100 people attended our Kickoff event on June 3, 2019. Alan’s presentation is about the park, its users, problems, and what we can do about it!

We hope to have Sam Jaffe’s keynote presentation on the Natural Wonders of Cold Spring Park posted soon.

Meeting minutes

Meetings of Friends of Cold Spring Park

Past email updates

(Mostly) monthly email updates to those who sign up for mailing list